Sunday, October 7, 2007

Adventures in Vegetarianism

I changed the name of this segment because I thought the old one didn't fit with where I'm trying to go with this. I want this weekly post to be anything and everything having to do with being cooler than others via being vegetarian.

We vegetarians know how hard it is to find a mate who does not eat meat. It is nearly impossible. You have to end up converting some guy/girl by holding out on the goods until he/she goes veg. While switching more people over to vegetarianism is good, sometimes you just don't even have the energy to start all over with some new and ignorant potential BF or GF. And, instead of fishing through Craigslist or Myspace for someone veg, they now have sites out specifically for non-meat eaters to peruse freely and be as picky as you want to be. You can check out Veggie Date or Veg Singles. I'm sure there are more but I'm real hungover, thanks.


Lady Chavez

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