Sunday, September 23, 2007

Trend and Anti-trend of the Week

Trend: True Hip Hop Heads Shirts

I love Biggie Smalls and I love the Bedazzler. To my astonishment, I found both in the form of a bedazzled Notorious B.I.G. shirt and it was $15!!!!!!! Ok, so it wasn’t actually gem laden by hand because that would have taken a long ass time (I mean look at his glorious fat head). This stretchy, soft, white tee cradles his crowned dome like a mother would a fresh, sleeping baby. I can keep Christopher Wallace close to my heart when I go clubbin’ and its like he’s holding my hair back when I vomit (or was that the dark, massive security guard holding me against the ground as I puked and resisted at the same time?) We may never know, but I do know this…it goes perfect with my new tassled, metallic purse I got for $2 at a yard sale.

Anti-trend: The Boob Tube

No, I am not talking about that piece of fabric sewn in a cylinder that you wear around your rack as soon as winter breaks. I am talking about the damn Television! I am so serious when I say that life is more fulfilling if you do not have TV. Let me clarify…I have a TV, but I do not have any channels. So, I still indulge in a bi-monthly boot-leg movie and a quarterly super low budget
porn… but that is it. When people are talking about these ridiculous plots and mindless game shows, they turn to me for input. To their horror, I do not watch TV and cannot relate. I am treated like I have an illness and thinking it could possibly be contagious, they excuse themselves and stand me up for drinks later. I am not even one of those people that acts like TV is corrupting the minds of the youth and making girls anorexic because I don’t care. I’m just sayin’ you can so much shit done if you turn off your cable. Plus, go cold turkey and don’t even get Rabbit Ears. This doesn’t mean watch more You Tube. It means get out, enjoy your life, get a hobby, and make your own drama. Oh, and subscribe to Adbusters because they are anti-tv and anti-capitalism and everything else that makes for hot, bad-boy journalists.

Lady Chavez


Tricknology said...
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